After graduating from the EDHEC Business School and Universität Mannheim, Sébastien began working as International Controller for Moët & Chandon, before joining Mazars. There he was involved in both statutory audits and transaction support. In 2006, Sébastien founded Capival, a firm dedicated to financial valuation and M&A. Sebastien left CAPIVAL in 2020 but remains as senior advisor.
Sébastien also founded Génération Medef (part of the French employer federation), is a member of Medef National’s ‘Dynamique Entrepreneuriale’ (Entrepreneurial Dynamic) and ‘Rapprochement des Sphères Public-Privé’ (Reconciling the Public and Private Spheres) commissions, a member of the Board of Directors of Medef Paris and the CAF de Paris, a Banque de France trainer and a lecturer for the Strategy & Finance Master’s programme at Sciences Pô University in Paris.